HAWQ是在Pivotal Greenplum和PostgreSQL基础上开发而来.
HAWQ也就是Pivotal HDB.
HAWQ和Pivotal HDB是一个项目.
hawq的交互式命令行接口, 类似于postgresql, 参考postgresql.
hawq的client: psql (参考postgresql)
$ psql
$ PGPASSWORD='password';psql -h <host> -p <port> -U <username> -d [database] -c "[psql command]"
$ psql -l # 查看所有database
# jdbc
$ jdbc:pivotal:greenplum://hdm1:5432;DatabaseName=getstartdb;User=hdbuser;Password=hdbpass
AO(append only) table:
> create table {table_name} (var type, var1 type1);
parquet table:
> create table {table_name} (var type, var1 type2) WITH (appendonly=true, orientation=parquet);
AO table distributed by specified column and partitioned by range:
> create table {table_name} (var type, var1 type1) distributed by range(var) partition by range(var1) (start val end val1 every val2);
AO table distributed by randomly and partitioned by range:
> create table {table_name} (var type, var1 type1) distributed randomly partition by range (var) (start(val) end (val1) every(val2));
parquet table distributed by specified column and partitoned by list:
> create table {table_name} (var type, var1 type1) WITH (appendonly=true, orientation=parquet) distributed by (var) partition by list (var1) (partition name values (val), partition name1 values (val1));
parquet table distributed by randomly and partitioned by list:
> create table {table_name} (var type, var1 type1) WITH (appendonly=true, orientation=parquet) distributed randomly partiton by list (var1) (partition name values (val), partition name1 values (val));